Saturday, February 7, 2009

Here they are

Here is the pictures. Mom is excited because the van comes with a built in car seat. plus for me but not a deal breaker.


Anonymous said...

looks good enjoy

gma & gpa

Anonymous said...

you should ban those drinks from the beginning -- take it from one who knows. Someone w/o kids once said to me, what, is your car a restaurant? Unfortunately I had to say yeah.

Anonymous said...

Now you can come down and visit your Dad!!
No excuses dude.

ps. does look good also. I cant believe you now own a "grocery getter".

Nice blog page too!!

Anonymous said...

now a days we don't call them grocery getters unless its a station wagon. They are called "mommy missles"(sp)

Anonymous said...

I thought the same thing about the drink cups in the car!!! Keep it nice.

Anonymous said...

What is a "mommy missile" ?
I dont understand the corelation.
I guess I am just old ")


Anonymous said...

i don't really know, thats just what they are called. I didn't make the name up i just use it